
Are you looking for organic cereals? Then VehGro is the right place for you. We have a wide range of various organic cereal products. The grains are full of carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and are also rich in fibres.
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Wholesale & Private label of Basmati Rice White Organic. Want to buy in bulk or as a consumer? Order now!
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As low as £3.82 £3.82
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Wholesale & Private label of Buckwheat Flakes Organic. Want to buy in bulk or as a consumer? Order now!
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As low as £2.49 £2.49
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Wholesale & Private label of Buckwheat flour Gray Gluten free Organic. Want to buy in bulk or as a consumer? Order now!
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As low as £3.90 £3.90
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Wholesale & Private label of Coucous Whole Wheat Organic. Want to buy in bulk or as a consumer? Order now!
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As low as £3.24 £3.24
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Wholesale & Private label of Couscous Spelt Wholemeal Organic. Want to buy in bulk or as a consumer? Order now!
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As low as £7.07 £7.07
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Wholesale & Private label of Granola Muesli Organic. Want to buy in bulk or as a consumer? Order now!
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As low as £101.40 £101.40
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Wholesale & Private label of Jasmin Rice White Organic. Want to buy in bulk or as a consumer? Order now!
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As low as £3.82 £3.82
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Wholesale & Private label of Oat Flakes Coarse Gluten Free Organic. Want to buy in bulk or as a consumer? Order now!
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As low as £3.49 £3.49
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Wholesale & Private label of Oat Flakes Fine Gluten Free Organic. Want to buy in bulk or as a consumer? Order now!
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As low as £3.41 £3.41
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Wholesale & Private label of Oat Flour Gluten Free Organic. Want to buy in bulk or as a consumer? Order now!
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As low as £3.41 £3.41
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Wholesale & Private label of Oat Flour Organic. Want to buy in bulk or as a consumer? Order now!
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As low as £2.07 £2.07
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Wholesale & Private label of Orso (Risoni) Organic. Want to buy in bulk or as a consumer? Order now!
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As low as £5.40 £5.40
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Purple Corn Powder Organic is a fine, purple-colored powder made from purple corn, perfect for enriching your dishes and drinks with natural color and mild, sweet taste.
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As low as £3.41 £3.41
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Wholesale & Private label of Quinoa Black Whole Organic. Want to buy in bulk or as a consumer? Order now!
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As low as £5.40 £5.40
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Wholesale & Private label of Quinoa Flakes Organic. Want to buy in bulk or as a consumer? Order now!
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As low as £3.49 £3.49
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Wholesale & Private label of Quinoa Mix (red, white, and black). Want to buy in bulk or as a consumer? Order now!
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As low as £2.90 £2.90
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Wholesale & Private label of Quinoa Puffed Organic. Want to buy in bulk or as a consumer? Order now!
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As low as £9.48 £9.48
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Wholesale & Private label of Quinoa Red Whole Organic. Want to buy in bulk or as a consumer? Order now!
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As low as £5.15 £5.15
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Wholesale & Private label of Quinoa White Whole Organic. Want to buy in bulk or as a consumer? Order now!
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As low as £8.08 £8.08
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Wholesale & Private label of Rice Flour Brown Gluten Free Organic. Want to buy in bulk or as a consumer? Order now!
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As low as £2.32 £2.32
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Wholesale & Private label of Roasted Millet Organic. Want to buy in bulk or as a consumer? Order now!
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As low as £2.74 £2.74
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Cereals: the basis of almost every diet

Cereals are at the basis of almost every diet. There are different types of cereals: from organic cereals to gluten-free cereals. Vehgro has something for everyone in its extensive range. Cereals have been the basic food for people all over the world for thousands of years. When you think of fields, you quickly think of rolling grain fields as far as the eye can see.

Where do cereals come from?

Cereals come from special grasses. They have been actively cultivated for thousands of years. It is not for nothing that Demeter and Ceres: the Greek Goddess of Agriculture and Fertility and her Roman counterpart are usually depicted with an ear of grain in their arms. The cereals most commonly known around the world are wheat and rice. Rice is mainly found in Asian cuisine, while wheat is used in, for example, bread and cakes.

What are pseudo-cereals?

Pseudo-cereals are the fruits of plants which look a lot like cereal grains, but are different from them. These are called pseudo-cereals. These include buckwheat, amaranth and, of course, quinoa.

In both grains and pseudo grains you will find many carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and proteins. Whole grain cereals are also rich in fibres. At Vehgro, wholesaler of organic products, you will find a wide range of both grains and pseudo grains.

Cooking with cereals

It takes a while for cereals to cook. There is time, patience, heat and lots of energy needed. If you cook with cereals it is advisable to soak them in advance, it saves you time. Please note: not all cereals can be soaked. However, grains such as barley, spelt, rye, wheat and oats can be soaked very well. Toasting grains gives them a more nutty and sweet taste. Toasted grains also have the quality of cooking faster.

Specific cereal terms

Flakes is the term used for mashed cereal grains. At Vehgro, you will find organic oat flakes, amongst other things. Semolina is flour from cereals that has been coarsely ground. Flour is more like the whole grain including the bran. The difference with fine flour is that when making fine flour the grains are both milled and sieved and contain little bran. Bran is the coating of the grain kernel, which is rich in fibre and sometimes edible.

Anatomy of the cereal

The hull of the cereal is called the bran. In the bran you will find the sprout. This is the part of the grain that is rich in vitamins. Then there is the flour body. This is located around the kernel. The flour body is again protected by the bran. Wholemeal products are made from the whole grain: not only from the sprout and the kernel, but also from the bran.

Different kinds of cereals

Firstly, oats. Oats have been cultivated for over 9000 years. Nowadays it is used to make organic oatmeal and organic oat flakes, among other things. Oat grains have an elongated and narrow shape. They have grooves and are greyish in colour.

Oats are often used in breakfast cereals, gluten-free organic oatmeal, biscuits and natural animal feed. Horses are known to be fond of oats. How is oatmeal actually made?

The grain barley

Men know barley of course as the basis for beer. Barley is also used as fodder, but farm animals do not get drunk from it. The grain of barley is thick and brown and looks a bit like rice. You can cook barley and serve it the same way as rice.

Barley grains have a pleasant 'bite'. It fills well, but takes a long time to cook: about an hour. Barley contains gluten. What is barley then? This is barley with the outer skin removed.

What is millet?

Millet is a generic term used for several cereals that have small, round grains. Usually refers to the yellow grains of Panicum miliaceum. Like wheat, millet has been cultivated for more than 9,000 years. Sometimes yellow millet tastes a little bitter. This is prevented by first rinsing it in hot water and cooking it extensively after cooking.

Rye as a grain

Rye is one of the grains used for baking bread. The grains are long and yellowish to greyish blue in colour. Rye is also a component of beer and gingerbread, among other things.

The grain spelt

Spelt is known as the 'ancient grain'. Spelt has been cultivated for around 7000 years, both for grain and, nowadays, for beer. Spelt is offered as flour, spelt biscuits and pasta made from spelt. Spelt is also seen as a substitute for rice. Rice takes 60 minutes to cook, after the grains have been soaked. Spelt contains gluten.

What is wheat?

Wheat is easy to process and is the main ingredient of most breads, pastas, baked goods and couscous. Most flour and meal in the shops is made of wheat. Wheat contains quite a lot of gluten, which means that wheat bread rises quickly when heated.

Different kinds of rice

You have rice with round grain, long grain, basmati, rice for risotto, etc. Rice is eaten all over the world and is also part of cold dishes (including rice pudding). Unhusked rice (silver bran) contains a lot of fibre. Cooking rice is fairly quick: usually about 10-15 minutes.

What is corn?

Corn grows on cobs. It originates from South America. Fresh corn is available in August and September. Corn is often eaten with meat, fresh from the cob or in salads. Maize is also processed into popcorn (puffed rice), taco chips and tortillas. Corn starch is an important natural binder in sauces. Maize is also widely eaten by cattle.